

Mask n Go 66折四色福袋

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In stock: 37 available
Product Details

66折四色福袋,免運費,深灰/碧綠/淺藍/黃/白,任選4色自由配搭,請在下單時備註顏色及數量e.g., 深灰 x 2, 碧綠 x 2)

Mask n Go口罩套,多種配載模式,運動隨行,方便衛生。採用環保及食品級物料,安心使用。設有多種顏色及適用於不同類型口罩,型人首選。

34% off Value pack, free shipping, pick any 4 colors (dark grey/ aquamarine/ light blue/ yellow/white), please fill in the color and quantity.

“Mask n Go” is a mask cover tailor made for sport lovers. With “Mask n Go,” we can store face masks properly, carry the masks around conveniently, and switch between mask “On” and “Off” mode seamlessly, accommodating different environment.

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Mask n Go 66折四色福袋
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